Sunday, April 16, 2017

This Whole Motherhood Thing

I can't believe it has been over a YEAR since I have published a blog post. Are you serious? I can recall a time when all I wanted to do was write. That was when I actually had the time. I still want to write, but lack of energy prevents me from doing so.

So much has happened since January 2016, my last post on here. So much of myself has changed.
I have become a Mother.
My son is approaching 11 months, which means a year is around the corner.
I have become passionate about breastfeeding.
I have let go of a great deal from my past.
My husband and I have launched our own family business.
So much...

I want to dive back into writing. I pray it will happen. I want to share my motherhood journey with you all. Maybe not for you, maybe really for myself and for Brandon and Gabriel. To document for us what life was like in these days. I want to share my parenting style, parenting successes and even parenting fails.

I will accept advice and constructive criticism, I will welcome it. I will, however, still parent as I feel God has led me to parent and learn as I go. I would love to hear from you and I would love for you to contact me if you are a new mom and find yourself struggling with things like breastfeeding or depression or having a sense of self-worth. 11 months makes me no expert, but 11 months at 24/7 does give me a little bit of "street cred"

Looking forward to more,

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