Thursday, April 23, 2015

Update, Update!!

Wow! It has been a while since I have been able to share what’s been happening in my little part of the world. I’ve been slipping on the recipes, the exciting news, the little epiphanies, and more. Work has been super busy for me and really required most of my attention. Being a Photographer, Website Administrator, Marketing Coordinator, Account Manager, Creating CSV files for a new Sales Rep App; AMP and more for my full-time job at CMI. And a Part-Time Chauffer, Freelance Writer, Domestic Goddess, Wife,  Chef, Accountant, Maid, and Mom to four Fur Babies for The Price Family all while attempting to eat, sleep and bath in between…well, I have really not had too much time to say even…Hello.

Let me catch you up on the last several weeks.

 A new baby! Fur Baby that is. Meet Dodson, the little puppy terror who captured our hearts. He's the happy boy trying to steal the attention.

While out for a walk one Saturday morning, this little cute ball of fur decided he wanted to follow us home. Just when we thought he would run off because he would get so far ahead of us while we were walking, he would turn around and run back to see us. Long story short, several flyers around town, 3 hours going door to door in the neighborhood, and advertising on Social Media…we learned Dodson was meant to live with us. He thinks everything is his to chew, everything is his to sit on, and all we want to do is throw his chew toy for him ALL day. It really is exhausting having a new fur baby in the house, but such a delight. He is part of the family now.

      Freelance Writing! One of my dreams is to be a writer. I don’t think I am necessarily that good…to write. However, it is something I enjoy immensely. Probably because I always have a lot to say and never any time to say it. So I like to write it all down. Besides, it helps me process feelings. I began writing for Sumter County Living Magazine and submitted my first Article a little over a month ago. Since then, I have had 3 additional assignments for Albany Living Magazine. The people I have met in the process have impacted my life in the most positive ways. I have the opportunity to meet very inspirational people who really put life into perspective for me. On top of it, I get to give credit to God for it because the majority of the people I interview are Believers and they want to share how God is working for them. The fact that I get to meet awesome people, work for awesome people and write for a Publishing Company that isn't afraid to highlight God's awesome power is a blessing that is not lost on me. Neither issue has come out yet, but Albany Living Magazine will be out in June and Sumter County will be out in August. I can’t wait to share them with my family and friends...and you!

     Counselor! Another passion of mine is counseling. I actually went to College to be a Counselor, but I never finished…because well…I was too busy being a teenager and young adult and that was more important. However, God has filled that need in a way that I am thankful for and yet at times, it can really wear me down. Every day there are at least 2 people who come to me with a problem. Why? I really don’t know…other than “Free Sessions Here” is written across my forehead. I am not complaining, I enjoy being able to assist people or simply lend an ear. I must admit that my sensitive nature does make it difficult sometimes because I care deeply and when everything else in my life is hectic…my body wears down from carrying my load plus the load of others. But I have really been needed lately and I am thankful to report that some of the issues that I have helped people work through have come out for the good of God…that I am more than thankful for!!

      Health Concerns! Ugh…I tell you. When one thing happens that is good, something bad happens. Okay, maybe not really. But lately for me it seems that way. I have really healed a lot over the past 9 months; lost 45 pounds, learned what my body likes to eat and what it simply rejects. I’ve shared a part of that journey with you already. Now I am getting sick AGAIN! Not as in…I am so sick that I need pity. Just as in…I am sick again and really tired of it. I do know however that a part of that stems from something my mother always told me. I can’t go and go and go and not get sick. I have a weakened immune system and being a sensitive person on top of that, if I go and go and deal and deal and help and assist and try to be Wonder Woman, I always wind up worn down, tired and sick. So, please pray for me to get well. I would appreciate it.

      New Project! Finally, having asked for prayer. I want to invite you to join me on something I think we could all benefit from. It's been a while since I've done this, but I used to make a Prayer Calendar that I would give out to willing participants. Beginning in May I want to begin a daily prayer calendar again. Each day we focus on one to two specific needs. These needs can be unspoken requests, requests made known but names not mentioned, etc. How this works: submit your prayer request to me at If you have a specific date you're requesting prayer ex. Medical appointments, family issues, testing, etc...make sure to put what date you would like to have everyone pray for you. Once the calendar is filled I will submit to all participants for you to print off and place somewhere you will see daily...each time you view that calendar you will be reminded to pray for that person/need. It will help us all grow closer together and to let those in need know that their name is being lifted up. I did this several years ago for about a year and it was powerful and we received many answered prayers. So I can begin the calendar, please start submitting ASAP. Days may fill up quickly and some may need to be moved to June, so please make sure if you need prayer on a specific date to let me know when you email me. Never be embarrassed to ask for prayer. We all need them.

Sorry I haven’t been on here in a while. I think everyone understands as we all have really busy busy moments. Especially you moms!!! Wow!! How…do…you…do…it?!
